Otaku World Minecraft Mod Wiki

This page is updated to V2.0.0 WP6.

Kaneda's Motorcycle as its name says it is Shotaro Kaneda's motorcycle.


  • Crafting
  • Killing Shōtarō Kaneda
  • End City (1.16-1.17)
  • Shipwreck (Back) (1.16-1.17)


  • It can be controlled by the player.
  • It sinks in the water.
  • Shift + Right click will open the inventory (1.16.5-1.17.1).
  • If it hits a cactus or lava, it's destroyed.


  • 4 Iron Ingot

Kaneda bike front Kaneda Motorcycle Front

  • 5 Iron Ingot

Kaneda bike back Kaneda Motorcycle Back

  • 1 Glass Panel + 1 Car Seat + 1 Kaneda Motorcycle Front + 1 Motor + 1 Kaneda Motorcycle Back + 2 Wheel

Kaneda Motorcycle

Crafting ingredient[]

1 Kaneda Motorcycle + 1 Dye

Name by language[]

Language Name Parts Colors
English (US) Kaneda's Motorcycle (Fronts), (Back) Black, Red, Green, Brown, Blue, Purple, Light Blue, Light Gray, Gray, Pink, Lime, Yellow, Cyan, Magenta, Orange, White
Español (MX) Motocicleta de Kaneda (Parte delantera), (Parte trasera) Negro, Rojo, Verde, Café, Azul, Morado, Azul Claro, Gris Claro, Gris, Rosa, Lima, Amarillo, Cian, Magenta, Naranja, Blanco
Español (ES) Negro, Rojo, Verde, Marrón, Azul, Morado, Azul Claro, Gris Claro, Gris, Rosa, Lima, Amarillo, Cian, Magenta, Naranja, Blanco
Français (FR) Moto de Kaneda (Partie avant), (Partie arrière) Noir, Rouge, Vert, Brun, Bleu, Pourpre, Bleu ciel, Gris clair, Gris, Rose, Lime, Jaune, Cyan, Magenta, Orange, Blanc
Italiano (IT) Motocicletta di Kaneda (Parte anteriore), (Parte posteriore) Nero, Rosso, Verde, Bruno, Blu, Viola, Celeste, Grigio chiaro, Grigio, Rosa, Lime, Giallo, Ciano, Magenta, Arancione, Bianco
Português (BR) Motocicleta de Kaneda (Parte da frente), (Parte traseira) Preto, Vermelho, Verde, Marrom, Azul, Púrpura, Azul Claro, Cinza claro, Cinza, Rosa, Lima, Amarelo, Ciano, Magenta, Laranja, Branco
Deutsche (DE) Kanedas Motorrad (Vorderteil), (Hinterteil) Schwarz, Rot, Grün, Braun, Blau, Purpur, Hellblau, Hellgrau, Grau, Rosa, Limette, Gelb, Cyan, Magenta, Orange, Weiß
日本 (JP) 金田のバイク (前部), (後部) 黒, 赤, 緑, 茶色, 青, 紫, 空色, 薄灰色, 灰色, ピンク, ライムグリーン, 黄色, シアン, マゼンタ, オレンジ色, 白
中国人 (CN) 金田的摩托车 (前部), (后部) 黑色, 红色, 綠色, 褐色, 藍色, 紫色, 天空色, 浅灰色, 灰色, 粉红色, 青柠色, 黄色, 青色, 洋紅色, 橙色, 白色
한국어 (KR) 카네다의 오토바이 (앞부분), (뒷부분) 검정, 빨강, 녹색, 갈색, 파랑, 자주, 하늘색, 밝은 회색, 회색, 분홍, 라임색, 노랑, 시안, 마젠타, 주황, 하양
Pусский (RU) Мотоцикл Канэда (Передняя), (Задняя) Чёрный, Красный, Зелёный, Коричневый, Синий, Пурпурный, Голубой, Серый-серый, Серый, Розовый, Лайм, Жёлтый, Сине-зелёный, Маджента, Оранжевый, Белый



  • Aggregate


  • Renowned
  • Renowned parts


  • The error that does not allow the vehicle to move has been corrected.
  • Life disappears, now any blow destroys the vehicle.


  • Recreated
    • New Model
    • New Textures
    • New Part Icons
    • Renamed Kaneda's Bike to Kaneda's Motorcycle
    • Now has inventory (1.16.5-1.17.1)
Kaneda's Motorcycles